

There’s always a certain type of camper who loves fishing at summer camp. You can tell us apart because we like, sometimes, to hang around with a blade of grass in our mouth and daydream a little or else we like to hold things like fishing rods, in our toes and snooze a little by the river bank until we feel something tugging on our lines.

At Adirondack, we start our fishing in the early mornings, when the fish are biting. We stroll out onto our favorite point dipping into the deep waters of Lake George or grab a rowboat, sink a line, get comfortable and wait for the lake trout, yellow perch, catfish, sunfish, rock, large and smallmouth bass to try to sneak the worms off our hooks or admire the handicraft of our lures.

Fishing for kids is huge fun at Adirondack Camp. We can fish for our dinners or else we can fish for Herbie. Herbie is the biggest, humongist fish in the whole lake — bigger than you or I have ever seen. It would take the tallest man in the world to stretch his arms as wide apart as he could to describe Herbie. There’s those who have come close, but Herbie keeps getting faster and smarter and BIGGER. Even after fishing camp from north to south, east to west… the search for Herbie continues!

If you will be fishing for your dinners, you’ve got to remember that the keepers will be at least a certain size, or else our fishing will continue to be catch-and-release. If you have a trusty favorite fishing rod, bring it along and test your luck. If you don’t have any fishing gear, don’t despair. Our summer camp’s wide array of tackle, rods, reels and other fishing gear fits every fisher’s style; and our die-hard fishing instructors will help you become acquainted with a wide variety of bait and tackle. The proper care and use of a fishing rod is taught at out kid’s summer camp, along with respect for the environment and safety when fishing near others. You will learn specific techniques on how to carefully remove a fish from a hook in order to return it to Lake George unharmed and how to pan fry and de-bone it if you’re going to eat it.

Fly-fishing is an art all of its own. Small groups of campers get the opportunity to begin the first steps into this life-long pursuit under the guidance of guest instructors several times per summer. Adirondack Camp has its own collection of fly-fishing rods especially suited to beginners. The accomplishment of mastering the rhythmic casts of fly-fishing is a unique feeling to be sure!

At Adirondack, our camp’s unique position on Lake George provides opportunities to see all kinds of natural fauna and spend time with friends while fishing on the beautiful waters. With multiple fishing trips over the course of the summer to nearby islands on Lake George and other hot-spots in and around the Adirondacks, there is no shortage of fish stories to be had.

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