Our Philosophy

We aspire to extraordinary things.

Philosophy runs through every decision we make. We adopt a holistic approach when it comes to our campers with an emphasis on the individual. We aim to empower our campers to be less busy, less formally structured, less overtly competitive, more committed to meaningful moments, and attentive to the wonder that surrounds them.

Our objective is to present opportunities that build into a series of personal accomplishments that accumulate during the time campers are with us.

We strive to make this philosophical “scaffolding” less visible to the kids. We know that beyond the activities and instruction, it’s the time in-between that really matters. It’s bunk life, mealtime goofiness, camping sleepovers and just luxuriating in the simple pleasures of summer that imprint enduring memories.

At Adirondack there’s all kinds of activities — from rock climbing to tennis to kayaking but that’s not what makes it the place it is. The people in Adirondack became my friends and I learned so much from them — from better english vocabulary to water skiing. Adirondack is the best experience I’ve ever had.

Rodrigo, Spain


A Safe Place

At Adirondack Camp we provide a respite from the stress of modern life and aim to create a culture where kids know they are safe, both physically and emotionally. Trying something new and being yourself doesn’t seem like such a big risk when you know you’re safe.

Our Plaques - Key Values

We encourage cooperation, effort, leadership, courage, responsibility, growing, creativity, spirit, sharing and independence. These values proudly hang as plaques in our mess hall for all to see. We want to inspire happiness and joy in children. Reinforcing these values helps kids recognize the path that leads to these lofty destinations.

Traditional, Rustic & Unplugged

Our Camp Program, ranked the best in New York state, is a fully immersive experience in a thoughtfully designed kid-centric world where everything is orchestrated by a team of educators and youth development professionals who want to bring out and develop the whole young person.

We are a traditional sleepaway camp for kids located on the shores of Lake George in New York. Historically, unapologetically, purposefully, and proudly, we have no central air, no concrete swimming pool, no TV or cell phone reception, no vending machines, no electricity in the cabins, no urban center, and no paved road! Our intention is for your children to slow down, to notice the wonder of the world and not be distracted by the many technological advancements on which we’ve become so dependent. This is what makes our summer camp unique.

Read our mission statement.

Camp Secrets

For your eyes only
The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 1

Choose a setting that is both magnificent and filled with unadorned, astounding natural beauty that provides the backdrop for letting the school year and pressures of modern-day life slip away.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 2

Be a constant and a beacon of a simpler way of life — with open-air cabins, floating wooden docks, Old Town canoes, a bugler who marks the day with Reveille and Taps, and only the moon and stars to illuminate the night.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 3

Set the bar high — nothing less than life-changing — to inspire our campers to develop a bold zest for living — to take chances in a safe environment and blossom through camaraderie and accomplishment.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 4

Impart, always, with each instruction and each small act of friendship, the essential values of sharing, creativity, cooperation, growing, effort, courage, responsibility, leadership, independence and spirit.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 5

Emphasize in everything we do the twin pillars of individualism and community. These core concepts will benefit a camper for the rest of their life.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 6

Organize everything under the guise of having awesome and outrageous fun–but never forget how serious the mission is. Whether it’s paddling a canoe or learning your part for the play, there is an underlying lesson that will be carried with you for years to come.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 7

Build the Camp community small enough to know everybody by first name and to make close friends for life, while large and diverse enough to preserve a ton of choices and be rich in spirit and unique in experience.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 8

Develop a series of challenges that build upon themselves, day-by-day, week-by-week, enabling each camper to grow exponentially in their accomplishments and confidence.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 9

Structure the days to enable increasing choice, challenge and responsibility, while choreographing the events to preserve their spontaneity and wonder.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 10

Never lose sight of the power of the unexpected — of Harry Potter day, or a visit from Zoro — or of the comradeship of impromptu jam sessions, pick-up games, cabin shenanigans or just plain star-gazing.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 11

Build your Camp around a core group of educators and parents to provide excellence and continuity; surround them with those rare pied pipers who bunk with their campers, support them in their aspirations, and mentor and inspire them in meaningful moments of instruction and delight.

The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 12

We will send your children home to you radiant with confidence and joy after having experienced nothing less than a life-changing summer. That is our promise to you. Noonway!

I love coming every summer! There is no other place like Adirondack Camp. I now have friends from all over the world that I look forward to being with every summer. I have made friends that I know will be in my life forever.

Sophia, New Jersey


Our Mission

Adirondack Camp aspires to be a place where mutual respect and inclusion are the natural standards, where all are supported, regardless of the color of one’s skin, economic background, cultural heritage, religious belief, gender, or sexual orientation.

Given all these differences, we’ve created a summer camp program that includes you!

I love coming every summer! There is no other place like Adirondack Camp. I now have friends from all over the world that I look forward to being with every summer. I have made friends that I know will be in my life forever.

Sophia, New Jersey

