This Is Your Summer
Rangers, the time has come. You are our oldest campers, the veterans. As you leave childhood behind, you stand tall on your accomplishments and look forward to what lies ahead.
ADK has helped me grow as a person, and helped make me realize the importance of being independent, being able to work with others, and overall be a better leader and person. ADK is a magical place, and I can’t thank you guys enough for helping me grow and be a better person.

Your uniform and demeanor, different from the younger campers, sets you apart. Everyone knows that you have accepted the responsibilities of a Ranger. The special privileges you enjoy have been earned.
As a Ranger you will:
- Have the greatest adventures of all the campers
- Advance your skills to the highest degree
- Drink deep and savor the fun of summer
- Lead with the CITs and camp staff
- Help with the youngest campers — they love Ranger tuck-ins!
- Own weekend waffles and cookie break!
This is your final summer as a camper. Make it your best one!
Parent Notes
The Ranger program is a tailored leadership program. Rangers choose personal levels of activity involvement with opportunities for advanced skills development. They learn how to coach, motivate and help to teach their favorite activities. They help with meals and Special Days.
Every summer Rangers take on a group project of their own design that benefits the camp community.
Rangers are eligible to make any trip into the wilderness that they choose through our camper tripping program, and they also have the empowering opportunity to plan an exclusive Ranger trip, with the location and length of their choosing.