Land Sports
Kids come from miles around to play on the most beautiful courts in New England! Nestled among the trees atop the ball field are three tennis courts, making up our own tennis camp program for kids, with a panoramic view of Lake George and the Adirondack Mountains. Whether you are an experienced youth tennis player or have never picked up a tennis racket in your life, you will feel welcome and excited to be at our summer camp. Our experienced tennis camp instructors teach four activity periods a day and can offer ‘one-on-one’ instruction to perfect your backhand or improve your ace serve.

Players hone their tennis skills as they practice service and volleys through a mix of technical instruction, drills, and group games. Beginner tennis players will learn the fundamentals: rules and positions, effective footwork and how to correctly handle the racket. Intermediate players practice these skills on one another in singles and in pairs under the watchful eye of counselors assisting and coaching as they play. Advanced players further their knowledge and comfort level with the sport as they face off in more sophisticated competitions with each other, during Blue/White color war matches and in inter-camp competitions. Our sessions also include fun games that incorporate the whole of the class at once, allowing for the advanced campers of the group to conduct some peer-coaching to the beginners.

Centrally located, the summer camp tennis courts are always buzzing with impromptu games during free times and evenings. Our camp counselors initiated an annual camp-wide tennis tournament, called the Patrik Memorial Camper-Staff Mixed Doubles Tennis Tournament, that rivals our famed World Cup soccer games in popularity! Tennis is a classic kids summer camp sport that combines power, athleticism, finesse and thought; and it is enjoyed by campers of all ages and skill levels.
“Tennis anyone?”