What We Ask You

Getting to Know Your Child

We ask because we care.

Every child who comes to Adirondack Camp is unique and we celebrate who they are! Before your child arrives at Camp we want to learn all we can so their first summer at Camp is the best it can be. Here are some of the questions we ask new families.

  • Do you consider your child to be mature, immature, or just right for their age and school grade?
  • How is your child socially? Shy at first or social butterfly? Introvert or extrovert?
  • Do they make friends easily? Or do they need a little extra encouragement?
  • How does your child do in a group setting?
  • Is this your child’s first time away from home?
  • Are there any health or safety concerns we should be aware of? (food allergies, special diet, any medications, etc.)
  • What might cause stress, fear, or anxiety in your child and how might we best accommodate them?
  • How can we best support your child when they are sad, angry, tired, or unsure what to do in a situation?

We also ask about your child’s activity interests, hobbies at home, competency swimming, school experiences, if they know anyone at Camp, and more. The more you are able to share, the better we can make your child’s experience. There aren’t any right or wrong answers, and your responses will be kept confidential. Camp leadership only shares this information with your child’s cabin counselors and others who need to know. We have your child’s best interests at heart!
