Video Arts

ADK Arts

Lights! Camera! Action! You’re the director and your friends are the actors in the screenplay that you dreamed up during yesterday’s rest hour. Or maybe you’ve had a great idea for a music video for your favorite song? Or you’ve always imagined yourself a news reporter doing a hard-hitting story of what’s really going on in Camp? If this sounds like you, then the Adirondack Video Arts program is for you!

Our summer camp video program is flexible enough to fit your interests and talents, or help you develop new ones. We begin new projects each week, starting with brainstorming and storyboarding and then moving on to casting, costumes, shooting, and editing! You may choose to work independently or with a production team to develop your own form of creative expression through the use of digital cameras, video cams, computers, scanners and creative software. Electronic Arts projects culminate in a screening at the end of each week, a highly anticipated event that lets you show off your work to all your friends and later gets put on YouTube for the whole family to see.

It may be as simple as writing a poem, script or news report on a word processor, or as advanced as editing a complicated video or producing an original screenplay. Learning the basics of equipment operation and production technique always comes first, leading the way to a fun and innovative use of these powerful creative tools of the 21st century!

Video Arts Summer Camp Activities

  • Eagle-I Video: Journalism, Adirondack Archives
  • Creative Video: Storyboarding & Screenplay, Set Design
  • Production Technique: Equipment Operation, Editing, Special Effects

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