First Timers

A Safe Place for New Campers

Going to summer camp for the first time can be daunting at any age, and even children who begged their parents to enroll may suddenly have second thoughts. Conversely, it’s sometimes the kids who dragged their feet who take to camp without missing a beat. You never know.

The best insurance is to be true to our philosophical roots and provide the “safe place” that we promise — a kids camp safe enough physically, psychologically and emotionally, to invite children to dare to be themselves.

From the start, first-time campers are made to feel included by the cheerful welcome signs cabin-mates have prepared for them, special greetings from their counselors, and returning campers ready to take them for a personal guided tour to show them the ropes.

The moment I stepped foot in camp, I immediately felt welcomed with overwhelming warmth and joy.

Vicki, NY


We Promise…

…to be vigilant, loving, kind, and to keep many sets of eyes monitoring your child’s progress.

We keep our boys and girls actively challenged, engaged and happy. There’s little time for looking back. If a child does experience a period of sadness, our mature, well-trained counselors are right there to comfort and humor them. With so many capable counselors and administrators your child will always have a special person (or two) to lean on if the need arises.

Intentional Culture

We work hard to encourage bonding and to prevent cliques. It’s our goal to create a culture of inclusion and respect. New campers will find their cabin-mates encouraging and welcoming, while their counselors build community into every level of bunk life.

There is zero tolerance — Zero — for any kind of hazing, bullying or exclusionary behavior by one or more campers toward another.

Leaving home for the first time can be a big change but it will also be one of the most important, extraordinary, and rewarding experiences of your child’s life.
