Daily Schedule

Now Hear This!

There Are No Watches at Camp

Our bugler walks the peninsula, waking us with Reveille and putting us to bed with Taps. Rather than the ticking of a clock, we choose the lapping of the lake, the wind in the trees, and the music on the air — all part of this rustic, wondrous, summer adventure.

What goes on at our summer camp?


Wake up Call

Wake up to ‘Reveille’ played by a live bugler. Camp’s whole day runs and transitions with our bugle calls. Time to make your bed, put bug nets up, and shower if it’s your cabin’s shower time.



Enjoy an all-camp breakfast in our vintage, open-air Dining Hall with a beautiful stone fireplace. Cabins eat fresh, diverse food family-style at every meal. There’s always a lot of singing and chanting after each meal!


Clean Up Time

It’s back to the cabins to clean up as a team before inspection. Kids organize their trunks, brush teeth, check drying racks, and sweep the floor. Every camper has a job and does their part.


Cabin Inspection

Inspection is led by another cabin’s counselor. A point-based criteria scores the cabin and campers’ overall cleanliness every day. Cabins strive to have the honor of hanging the Inspection Banner for the week for the highest score among their age group.


First Activity Period

Each period lasts about an hour. Every Sunday, every camper makes their own weekly activities from 30+ activities in Arts, Land, Water, and Trips.


Second Activity Period

On to the next! Some activities like rock climbing and sailing are a double period.


General Swim

Enjoy an open period where you can play in the water, shower, read, or relax in the cabin before lunch.



Yum! On offer is a full salad bar, soup of the day, and lots of options of fresh, delicious food to eat. It’s family-style again by cabin in our breezy, airy Dining Hall.


Rest hour

Everybody enjoys a quiet, relaxing rest hour in their cabins to recharge. Campers can read, take a nap, write letters home, or play card games with friends.


Adventure Period

The third activity period of the day features rotating, unique activities that change each week. Popular adventure periods might include Zumba, SUP-Yoga, Grilling Down Under, borg ball, and chillin’ at the flagpole.


Cookie Break

Rangers bring a quick snack of bug juice and a yummy cookie to every camper. Chocolate chip or oatmeal rasin? Snickerdoodle or sugar cookie? You never know what Chef Fernando will make each day.


Fourth Activity Period


Fifth Activity Period



A long-standing Adrondack Camp military-style tradition where all of Camp stands in formation by cabin. Led by our Camp Director, attendance is taken before the bugle call ‘Retreat’ is played by our live bugler.



Campers feast on delicious food after a packed day of activities and crazy fun. Two days a week, we enjoy a BBQ and eat outside.


Evening Activity

After dinner, there’s a different activity each night of the week. They range from Cabin and Line Nights, tubing, and color war, to dances, Gathering, and open play time in the water and on the ballfield.


Call to Quarters.

Younger campers go back to their cabins to get ready for bed. They brush teeth, put on pajamas, and get tucked in by their counselors.


First Taps

Taps is played by our bugler. During Taps, all flashlights/headlamps are turned off, talking stops, and everybody pauses what they’re doing. We do this in honor of those who have passed and to also reflect on the day.


Second Taps

Taps is played a second time and signals the end of the day. The final bugle call means lights out for all campers. Fall asleep to the calming sounds and enjoy the cool breeze from the Lake before you wake up and do it all over again!

There are just the right amount of people to make new friends and still feel like you know everyone at camp. There is always a lot to do and the lake is right there. The counselors are like mini-teachers that help and encourage you to try new things. I like the hotdog and wake boarding, but the events are the best — like Dodge Ball and Blue/White competitions.

Donald, TX


Evenings & Weekends


Every evening at ADK is different and full of fun. There are campfires and dances, movies and Blue/White events, performances and ceremonies — every night has some special activity. Many are large, Camp-wide events and some are smaller, cabin or line nights, or fun activities organized by gender or age.


Saturday & Sunday are a break from our regularly scheduled activities.

Saturdays start with waffles and cartoons in the Dining Hall, but there is no reveille bugle so you can choose to sleep in until 8:30am if you want. Saturday mornings are “Line-up, Sign-up” — open activities you can choose for the morning. Go out on the lake, play sports on land, chill by a campfire, or create something on the Pottery Pavillon. This is also the time to look at your preassigned activities for the upcoming week and make any adjustments or changes to your schedule. In the afternoons we have our summer-long Blue/White color war competition. Saturday nights are barbecue and a dance!

After a later breakfast and an optional trip to church, Sundays are Special Days. Staff get creative and dress up as characters or as part of a theme in order to play large camp-wide games such as Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Gold Rush, Boulderdash, or go on a scavenger hunt, or look for puzzle solutions across the peninsula. We finish our Sundays with Gathering to watch the sunset and reflect as a community at the tip of the peninsula.
