Age Groups
Everyone at Camp is divided into age groups. Each of these groups have their own “lights out” time and corresponding sets of privileges and responsibilities.
A Note for Parents
Our emphasis is on family. Life on our peninsula feels like a family where everyone dances together, campers cheer for each other, and practically everyone knows everyone by first name.
At Adirondack, our activities are mixed aged. Our youngest campers will have one pre-selected activity by cabin but otherwise interact with older campers in several of the games and activities. This enables a sense of responsibility amongst older campers as well as a greater sense of inclusion and safe surroundings for the little ones.
“Accomplishments” and corresponding “value” statements can have different meanings at different age levels. For example, a demonstration of “independence” by a very young Junior may be getting out of bed in the middle of the night and going to the bathhouse on their own; whereas for a wizened Senior, “independence” could, for example, be demonstrated by setting out to swim the nearly 2 mile triangle, or producing a movie, or solving an orienteering problem in the middle of a wilderness trip.
Of course, children can and will vary greatly in terms of physical and emotional maturity even within same-age groupings. At Adirondack, within the overall construct of family, the emphasis is, first, on the individual, then, on the group. Each cabin counselor will be briefed on the confidential particulars for each child placed under their care. And so, daily operating reviews within each cabin line begin and end with a focus on individual campers and their specific needs.