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We kicked off the day with our usual activities, but a change in the weather led us to switch gears for an afternoon of watching the Olympics! Our evening event, ADKChella and Gallery Night, also had to move indoors to the dining hall due to the weather. Despite the change in venue, it was a fantastic success! This year’s theme was “A Night at the Theatre,” and guests were welcomed by paparazzi at the door before exploring the stunning camper artwork, ceramics and sculptures in the gallery. The highlight of the night was the stage performance, featuring incredible singing, energetic dance routines, and even some impressive backflips. It truly was an unforgettable evening.

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Today, the weather took a turn for the better, setting the stage for our “Musical Eras” themed day. We kicked off the morning with stations set up around camp, each dedicated to a different decade of music, complete with era-specific activities. In the afternoon, cabins roamed from station to station, competing in a variety of musical-themed games. The enthusiasm and energy everyone brought made it an incredibly fun day! In the evening, we had our Senior cabin night alongside the Junior and Intermediate Line Night. We would usually have the dance but we had to switch our evening activities due to the bad weather on Thursday, but the night was a hit nonetheless. Highlights included the Junior/Intermediate Pine Line’s exciting Color War and Northwind’s creative Boss Ross painting class. It was a fantastic way to wrap up an amazing day!

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Today was action-packed from start to finish! We kicked off the morning with a Blue/White Triple, where Juniors faced off in Boomerball, Intermediates took on Waterpolo, and Seniors battled it out in Basketball. In the afternoon, we launched into War Canoe, an exhilarating paddle from the canoe dock to Anthony’s Nose, Glenburnie, and back to camp. The Blue Team emerged victorious, narrowing the overall score to 13-11 in favor of the White Team as of Sunday.. but the summer is not quite over yet!

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After War Canoe we rolled right into Carnivale, put on by Malcolm and our CITs! The event was fish-themed as we played fish-themed Carnival games, dunked counselors in the dunk tank and traded in coupons for candy from the “Matt Bass Pro Shop”. It was so much fun! The weekend ended with our annual Staff Show, where staff performed skits, songs and even hilarious powerpoint presentations to everyone at camp. It was the perfect end to our final full week of camp. Now we begin to wind down as we pack up activities, recognise deserving campers and staff with awards and then finally say goodbye with our candlelight and wishboard ceremony.

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