We were so excited to see 236 former campers, staff members, and their families visit the peninsula on Friday for our 120th Reunion here at Adirondack Camp! Having been founded in 1904, our sleepaway camp is among the oldest in the United States, so we were thrilled to commemorate this achievement alongside our camp community’s former and current members. Five different decades of Adirondack Camp history came together at the reunion, with a combined 73 Eagles and an amazing 1275 years of camp experience between them! We were happy to see 102 participants from the White Team and 134 participants from the Blue Team, with an average attendance of five years at camp. The weekend kicked off with cabin check-ins, the rekindling of friendships that have stood the test of time, and the forging of new connections—all united by the enduring spirit of camp.

After everyone had settled in, we met at the flagpole for our traditional retreat ceremony. Later, we enjoyed cocktails and a delicious Mexican buffet supper on the dining hall patio, all while taking in the beautiful camp sunset. The night’s high point was Awiskini, a beloved and ageless camp ritual that took place after dark. We ascended the hill together to play Blue/White games, with a chance for each decade to participate. Our alumni’s color war spirit was reignited by the roaring bonfire, which turned the evening into something truly memorable as the friendly rivalry resurfaced.

Saturday began with an optional early morning yoga or a hike to Record, and of course, Polar Bear. There was also the option to join the short walk out to Chapel for coffee, cookies and a chat, which was a hit for those that made it!

The rest of the morning continued with exciting activities like sailing, windsurfing, and canoeing, before we dove into Blue/White! For many, it was their first Blue/White event in decades, and the team spirit was palpable as Mini-Medley began with a burst of competitive energy. Although this weekend’s Mini-Medley featured just six events—down from the usual camp-wide competition covering every activity—the excitement remained high, culminating in the traditional War Canoe race. Despite a challenging race marked by a lost paddle from one team and a nose injury from the other, the White Team emerged victorious in a thrilling and closely-fought contest!

Our Gala Night and Scholarship Fund Auction was the main event of the evening. Everyone dressed up for a fun-filled, giving night. To generate money for our Camp Scholarship Fund, we held both a live and silent auction. As bids poured in, the atmosphere in the room was electrifying. After that excitement, we were amazed by Chef Fernando’s magnificent Reunion cake, and we also had the privilege of awarding our oldest and most prestigious award, the Eagle, to a worthy staff member. A poignant moment of camp unity was created as everyone joined together after this moment to sing the camp song at the top of their voices, bringing the evening to a joyful conclusion. We danced the night away as the celebration went on, making it one to remember.

On behalf of all of us here, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who helped make our 120th celebration weekend so memorable. For additional alumni information, click on the links below. Also, keep an eye out for soon-to-be uploaded reunion images and alumni profiles!
