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One of our ten plaques that graces the dining hall, Cooperation is a fundamental part of daily life here at Adirondack Camp. Here, our campers learn that working together is key to making the most of every camp experience and fostering friendships that last a lifetime. From the moment campers arrive, they dive into cabin life, where cooperation is essential.

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Every morning, cabins collaborate to tackle inspection, where campers clean their quarters and earn points based on cleanliness. Inspectors, which are counselors from other cabins, check for the tidiness of all spaces in the cabins, floors, beds, trunks, drying racks, and also make sure every camper has their water bottle full so that they’re ready to go for their first activity of the day. The cabin with the highest score each week is honored with a coveted banner, celebrating their collective effort and teamwork.

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This spirit of cooperation extends beyond cabin chores. Whether in daily activities or spirited Blue/White, campers often work together to achieve a common goal. Even mealtimes, where waiters have to work as a team to set their tables, and cabins have to make sure food, water, and napkins get passed around to everyone in their group. Through these experiences, they discover that collaboration enhances not only their individual abilities but also their capacity to create something greater as a team, building the sense of community we have here at camp.

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The 12 Secrets of a Great Summer Camp

No. 7

Build the Camp community small enough to know everybody by first name and to make close friends for life, while large and diverse enough to preserve a ton of choices and be rich in spirit and unique in experience.

What’s Been on This Week?

Yesterday during rest hour captains were picked for Blue/White! Each team has both a Moss and Pine Line captain from Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors. Our annual Patryk tournament has also kicked off - where staff and campers are partnered up to compete in a round of tennis games battling to win! Guest Artist this week David Black has been teaching campers a whole bunch of magic, and even put on a show for Juniors & Intermediates on Wednesday. And, as usual, the week of actvities on our peninsula have been as enjoyable as ever! Check out some of the fun below:

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What’s On Today

The weather today will be mostly sunny with a high of 82°F (27°C) and an overnight low of 57°F (14°C). It’s a Friday so the evening activity will be Awiskini. We will also be having a special ceremony in the morning to celebrate our Founder’s Day and the birthday of the late Alex Levitch who bought camp in 1979. You can read more about Alex here
