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Check out some of these vintage photos of Adirondack Camp from the 1920s!

Above is a great photo of boys canoeing in Junior Cove. Notice Sailing Dock and Junior Dock are in the same place but no girls campfire yet (boys only until 1969) and the trees were so much smaller back then.

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In 1928, the Senior Boys’ Line didn’t have cabins yet. The line had numerous platform tents instead.

The dining hall looks so similar almost a century later. You can’t tell from the photo but the photographer is actually standing outside. The dining hall wasn’t as long (or as big) as it is now. It expanded over the years but kept the same gorgeous, open-air style from its original design.

Then there’s a great photo of early War Canoes right between Sign Point and Senior. Again, notice how small the trees and greenery were back then.

Lastly, you got some boys sailing in Junior Cove. Notice the floating dock behind it?

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