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Rock climbing has been one of our top Land Sports at ADK for many decades. How many of these facts do you know?

  1. Rock climbing became a recognized sport in the 1880s in England, after the first solo ascent of the Napes Needle by Walter Parry Haskett Smith.

  2. Climbing can help a child’s development by improving, motor skills, balance and coordination while building social relationships.

  3. Rock climbing can burn between anywhere from 500 to as much as 900 calories per hour.

  4. The first artificial wall known to have been created was the Schurman Rock. It was built outdoors, at Camp Long Scout Camp and was designed by Clark Schurman.

  5. Climbing was officially included in the Summer Olympics during the 2020 Toyko Japan Olympics.

  6. The invention of the nylon rope and carabiners occurred in the 1940s due to their utility in World War 2.

  7. Antoine de Ville ascended Mont Aiguille, in 1492, a 300-meter rock tower south of Grenoble, France. Under orders from his king, he used the techniques developed for sieging castles to attain an otherwise unreachable summit. The ascent is described by François Rabelais in his Quart Livre.

  8. Rock climbers often coat their hands in chalk (magnesium carbonate), to absorb the moisture on their hands, which is said to improve their grip on the rock.

  9. Climbing can help cure having a fear of heights and a fear of falling.

  10. There are five main types of rock cimbing, free climbing, mountaineering, ice and mixed climbing, bouldering, and aid climbing.
