Dear families,

We hope you and your family are well and enjoying these warm fall days. We are very excited to welcome families to ADK Leaf-peeping this fall and look forward to it being a safe, socially distanced, fun opportunity for families to enjoy a bit of the peninsula this fall. ADK Leaf-peeping will run 4 days and 3 nights. Can’t come for the whole time? Join us for just the weekend! Tell your family and friends to come join us. We have added an additional date by request! Join us for Columbus Day weekend October Friday Oct. 9 - Mon. October 12.

Please click here to learn all the details about ADK Leaf-peeping and contact Rikki at or 518-547-8261 to reserve your space.

We are sending you and your family big hugs and hope the start of the school year is going well.


The ADK Team
