Picking the Best Summer Camp…

…means picking the summer camp that is best for your child. If you want to find a traditional summer camp where children from all over the world have zany adventures, learn things they would never even try at home, and generally have fun, Adirondack Camp might be for you! If you’re looking for a sports camp, academic camp, drama camp, or something else that has a singular focus, you might want to look for a specialized camp program, but I’ll be up front and argue that I don’t think that’s what’s best for your child.

[Adirondack Camp was…] …easily the best experience of my youth; it helped in shaping me into the person I am today.


TOP rated - No 1 in New York - Summer Camp on CampRatingz.com

Kids Need a Safe Space to Grow

The school year, even in the age of Zoom, is full of pressure to perform — academically, as well as in after-school activities. Our culture places a high importance on being the best at everything, and that standard isn’t easy for a child to live up to. Summer camp is the antidote to school-year stress and worry. Specialized camp programs put a lot of emphasis on performance, with a narrow definition of growth, limited to the scope of the camp’s specialty.

Kids need a safe space, like Adirondack Camp’s remote peninsula on Lake George, where they can escape from this kind of high-stakes thinking and let their guard down, unwind, and have fun being kids! Children grow more at a camp like ours because they aren’t pressured into performing. Our summer camp philosophy is to aspire to extraordinary things but the way we get there is completely different from what you might expect.

We provide shelter from modern life, unplugging from technology, upholding meaningful values, focusing on friendships and fun — it’s so counterintuitive to the way kids live 9 months of the year! The funny thing is, kids grow like crazy at our summer camp. They’re daring. They’re kind. They’re patient. They’re exuberant. They’re admirable. They’re so amazing I can’t tell you all the ways they impress me, but I can tell you they’ve cast their votes. Our campers tell us that we’re the BEST summer camp, and I wouldn’t disagree for a moment!

Best place on earth! My best friends and fondest memories are from Adirondack and I truly could not imagine my life without it.


TOP Summer Camp on CampRatingz.com
