Empower young girls and teens at Adirondack!

Empowerment, Collaboration, Fun, Confidence – Check out a summer at Adirondack Camp, located on its own peninsula on Lake George, NY and give the young girls and teens in your life an incredible gift.

Pressures on young girls and have never been higher — from “fitting in”, unrealistic expectations regarding physical appearance, managing peer pressure and bullying as well as navigating an increasing array of social media. Self-esteem and empowerment for young girls have never been more critical. ADK is a supportive environment that is both challenging and nurturing, where your girls and teens can dare to be themselves, unplug, and be in a world of confidence. Our supportive culture, talented staff and robust program help girls ages 7-16 develop the self-awareness, and confidence they need to make informed life-decisions from a place of respect for themselves and others.

2,4,6 and 8 Week Sessions available. Choose from over 30 activities across the Arts, Land, Waterfront and Trips on Lake George in the Adirondack Park in upstate New York

“After a summer at ADK my daughter is more assertive, more confidant, less shy and more comfortable in her own skin.” 2015 Parent
“The overall experience and independence was so good for her. While Nicole came home with stories of Fencing, and Fishing, and dances, the very obvious benefit was the broadening of her horizons, the quality of the people she met and was led by, and the focus on social and interpersonal activities OUTSIDE of electronic communication, and typical “dramatic” interaction.” 2015 Parent
“This experience for her was life changing. It was so great for her to be away from home and have such an amazing time. Her experience at ADK is such a great start to her upcoming first year at boarding school. Because of Camp, I believe she will arrive with more independence, self-confidence and courage to try new things.” 2015 Parent
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